The Holdem Hand Range Visualizer lets you take a view into the active player's range of hands each time that a stat has been is triggered. poker tracker 4 keygen hit A new app called Chorus, which hits the App Store this week, is meant to make. View how lucky or unlucky your drawing hands have been. how to unregister pokertracker in my windows so i can register it with my correct key thx for the help and keep up the good work.View how frequently your draws hit or miss.The Overall Luck Bell Curve provides a visual representation of the active player's drawing hands (Holdem Only).The Overall Luck Bell Curve Graph allows you to visualize how frequently your draws come in, or if you are running unlucky when drawing. Best used when reviewing a specific session, or when comparing results between a small group of players such as in high stakes games.Winrate info is available to quantify against the flow of winnings in the database.Use sub-connections to see how winnings have flowed between opponents.Up to ten top winners / losers displayed.The new Money Flow Chart is a visual representation of how the money 'flows' between the highest winning and biggest losing players that played with the Active Player. Advanced Graphs & Charts Luck Graph, Money Flow & more Money Flow Chart